목록Learning How to Learn/5. Procrastination (6)
Neuroscience Study
Learning well often involves bit by bit, day by day building of solid neural scaffolds. Rather like a weight lifter builds muscle with day to day exercise. This is why tackling procrastination is so incredibly important. You want to keep up with your learning and avoid last minute cramming. So with that, here's an overview of the key aspects of tackling procrastination. Keep a planner journal so..
Learning for most people involves a complex balancing of many different tasks. A good way for you to keep perspective about what you're trying to learn and accomplish, is to once a week write a brief weekly list of key tasks in a planner journal. Then each day on another page of your planner journal, write a list of the tasks that you can reasonably work on or accomplish. Try to write this daily..
In this video, we're going to get into the specifics of harnessing your zombie powers of habit to help you avoid procrastination while minimizing your use of willpower. You don't want to do a full scale change of old habits. You just want to override parts of them and develop a few new ones. The trick to overriding a habit is to look to change your reaction to a cue. The only place you need to a..
One of the best ways of being effective in your learning is to use mental tools and tricks to inspire and motivate yourself. First, when it comes to learning in general, you should realize that it's perfectly normal to start with a few negative feelings about beginning a learning session. Even when it's a subject you ordinary like, it's how you handle those feelings that matters. Researchers hav..
Just imagine backing out of a driveway for the first time ever in your life. For some of you, that might seem like a pretty exciting proposition. The first time you might do this you would be in hyper alert. The deluge of information coming at you would make the job seem almost impossibly difficult. But, once you've chunked how to back up down your driveway, all you have to do is think, let's go..
Arsenic is incredibly toxic. For centuries until modern methods of detection were discovered, murderers found it to be a very popular substance. So you can imagine the shock at the 48th meeting of the German Association of Arts and Sciences in 1875 when two men sat in the front of the audience and downed more than double a deadly dose of arsenic. The next day the men were back at the conference ..